2003.02.08 tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE interviewed for "Film Close-ups" on KALX in San Francisco

Click on the above link to download the interview as an audio file.

[interviewee's note: In San Francisco to present 2 screenings, one of these was to have a performance of my "Guitarists Anonymous Withdrawal Aids" as part of it.


It'd been arranged for me to promote that show on an arts program on KALX. Instead of doing a straight-forward promotion, which didn't interest me, I asked the 2 hosts to play along with my pretending to run a Guitarists Anonymous Therapy Session (or some such). During this, the idea was, I would continually refer to them not by their actual names & I'd act like I was humoring them if they referred to my upcoming screening. To make matters more confusing, I was in a separate studio from where they were - so we couldn't see each other. As I recall, this is only a brief excerpt from the actual event - probably chosen because it had the least distortion. The result was probably one of the most bizarre event promotions the station had ever experienced - although I thought it was appropriately in the spirit of the performance to take place. - December 5, 2012E.V. notes from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE]




idioideo at verizon dot net


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